What is the TZMGCT?
TZMGCT (The Zeitgeist Movement Global Coordination Team) or also known simply as the GCT, is a team of coordinators within TZM, who work globally to troubleshoot, survey, share and communicate, and actively monitor the functioning of TZM. The team is comprised of a handful of people, who collaborate with other activists and branches of TZM. TZMGCT goals include mapping the movement, clearly communicating activities globally to other activists, in order to avoid overlapping and redundant efforts, and locating solutions and support for anybody within TZM looking for help with certain tasks related to TZM branches (chapters, teams, projects, events, etc).
TZMGCT's operations began in October 2017 after several global functional teams within TZM had failed, disbanded or disappeared, resulting in disorganisation, misleading and conflicting plans, and many disillusioned volunteers, activists, and coordinators being left without support or help with problems they could not resolve themselves. As a result, five founding coordinators of TZM chapters in multiple countries combined their resources to remap the TZM network, so that coordinators, volunteers, or other contributors within TZM would no longer remain in the dark when trying to interact with, and contribute to, the global movement. It was also the beginning of redefining how branches in TZM interact and support one another and of bringing more clarity to how TZM delivers activism. With the entire movement able to work together, the TZM community will achieve much more.
Like all other branches of TZM, TZMGCT is autonomous and does not take directives from any other TZM body. The same goes for the relationship of TZMGCT to other branches, The TZMGCT is not an authoritative body, but simply a team delivering coordination services to other TZM branches, by providing support and troubleshooting, and by helping smooth TZM efforts, globally. Our role is not to rule over any persons or groups within TZM, but to elevate the total movement, which we all share a responsibility to administer together. For more information about how TZM branches function, click here.

If you would like more information about TZM (The Zeitgeist Movement) or have specific questions about the movement's train of thought, we ask you to visit the official website of TZM and send any questions you have about TZM in general to them. We also encourage you to follow TZM Global, as well as TZMGCT, on social media to be fully informed about current activities in TZM. Click here to visit TZM's official website.
The revolution is now - let's get on with it!
-The Zeitgeist Movement Global Coordination Team